
    Indonez UI Shortcodes

    Generate shortcode for your content

    Section Shortcode
    [idz_ui_section id="section_id_here" container="true" margin_bottom="true" parallax="" bgcolor="" bgimage="" bgposition="" class=""]
    ...content here...
    • id: section id
    • container: true | false. (If true the container will be center)
    • margin_bottom: true | false.
    • parallax: true | false. (if true you should fill bgimage and bgposition)
    • bgcolor: background color for section, use hex value an example: #000
    • bgimage: background image URL
    • bgposition: number value for parallax effect, an example -200
    • class: additional class for section

    Section shortcode required when you create content as container or mark the specific content

    This shortcode will be useful if you use 100% width page template.

    An example in about page. See Screenshot

    [idz_ui_section id="about1" container="true" parallax="false" bgcolor="" bgimage="" class=""]
    ...content here...
    [idz_ui_section id="about2" container="false" parallax="" bgcolor="#f4f4f4" bgimage="" class=""]
    ...content here...
    [idz_ui_section id="ourteam" container="true" parallax="" bgcolor="" bgimage="" class=""]
    ...content here...
    Row & Columns
    [idz_ui_row class=""]
    ...content here...
    • class: additional class for row

    Row shortcode required as container column shortcode.

    When you use column shortcode you should add row shortcode to wrap the column.

    To see column shortcodes please go to

    On column shortcode you can add addtional class.

    An example code

    [idz_ui_section id="about1" container="true" parallax="false" bgcolor="" bgimage="" class=""]
    [idz_ui_row class=""]
    [idz_ui_col_1_2 class=""]...content here...[/idz_ui_col_1_2]
    [idz_ui_col_1_2 class=""]...content here...[/idz_ui_col_1_2]
    How to use nested row and nested column ?

    If you want to use nested row/column shortcode, then you need to add equivalent for each nested row/column shortcode

    An example code

    [idz_ui_row class=""]
    [idz_ui_col_1_2 class=""]
    [=idz_ui_row class=""]
    [=idz_ui_col_1_2 class=""]...content here...[/=idz_ui_col_1_2]
    [=idz_ui_col_1_2 class=""]...content here...[/=idz_ui_col_1_2]
    [idz_ui_col_1_2 class=""]...content here...[/idz_ui_col_1_2]
    Tab & Accordion

    Please go to to see shortcode code

    Alert & Progress Bar

    Please go to to see shortcode code

    Button & List

    Please go to to see shortcode code

    [idz_ui_div id="" class=""]
    ...content here...
    • id: additional id for div
    • class: additional class for div
    Dropcap, Blockquote, Pullquote, Highlight Text

    Please go to to see shortcode code

    Google Map
    [idz_ui_gmap width="100%" height="300" latitude="40.81098" longitude="-73.92786" controls="true" zoom="15" html="Boulverad 60 Street " icon="" icon_width="55" icon_height="61" class=""]
    • width : width value of your google map
    • height : height value of your google map.
    • latitude : latitude point of your google map
    • longitude : longitude point of your google map
    • controls : true | false
    • zoom : zoom value from 1 to 19 where 19 is the greatest and 1 the smallest
    • html : content that will be shown within the info window for this marker
    • icon : use as marker your place
    • icon_width : width of icon
    • icon_height : height of icon
    • class : additional class for map

    To get Latitude or Longitude please go to

    [idz_ui_heading tag="h1" subtitle="" align="left" class="bold " class_subtitle=""]This is title[/idz_ui_heading]
    • tag: h1 | h2 | h3 | h4 | h5 | h6
    • subtitle: subtitle text, will be display below heading
    • align : left | center
    • class : additional class for heading
    • class_subtitle : additional class for subtitle text

    Example code

    [idz_ui_heading tag="h2" subtitle="We're in the business of hosting great ideas." align="left" class="bold uk-margin-small-bottom title-section" class_subtitle="uk-margin-medium-bottom"]About Satria Hosting[/idz_ui_heading]

    About Satria Hosting

    We're in the business of hosting great ideas.

    Panel, Highlight Box/Promo Box

    Please go to to see shortcode code

    Icon with Text
    [idz_ui_icon_withtext icon="" color="" bgcolor="" stroke="" size="" icon_position="" icon_border="" title="" title_tag="" title_class="" content="" class="" content_class=""]
    • icon: icon name (
    • color: color of icon (work for fontawesome & linea icon only)
    • bgcolor : background color of icon (work for fontawesome & linea icon only)
    • stroke: stroke color of icon
    • icon_border : circle | rounded | square
    • size : x-small | small | medium | Large
    • icon_position : left | right | center
    • title : title of section
    • title_tag : h1 | h2 | h3 | h4 | h5 | h6
    • title_class : additional class for title
    • content : text content
    • class : additional class for icon section container
    • content_class : additional class for content
    Icon with text section inside column

    An example code, add icon with text with four column

    [idz_ui_row class=""]
    [idz_ui_icon_withtext icon="smico-wallet" color="" bgcolor="" stroke="" size="large"  icon_position="center" icon_border="circle" title="smico-wallet" title_tag="h3" title_class=""  content="Eiusmod temporit al consectetur nostrum empromi exercitationem ullamajo corporis suscipit fugiat" class="" content_class=""]
    [idz_ui_icon_withtext icon="smico-muffin" color="" bgcolor="" stroke="" size="large"   icon_position="center" icon_border="circle" title="smico-muffin" title_tag="h3" title_class="" content="Eiusmod temporit al consectetur nostrum empromi exercitationem ullamajo corporis suscipit fugiat" class="" content_class=""]
    [idz_ui_icon_withtext icon="smico-megaphone" color="" bgcolor="" stroke="" size="large" icon_position="center" icon_border="circle" title="smico-megaphone" title_tag="h3" title_class="" content="Eiusmod temporit al consectetur nostrum empromi exercitationem ullamajo corporis suscipit fugiat" class="" content_class=""]
    [idz_ui_icon_withtext icon="smico-tv" color="" bgcolor="" stroke="" size="large" icon_position="center" icon_border="circle" title="smico-tv" title_tag="h3" title_class="" content="Eiusmod temporit al consectetur nostrum empromi exercitationem ullamajo corporis suscipit fugiat" class="" content_class=""]


    Eiusmod temporit al consectetur nostrum empromi exercitationem ullamajo corporis suscipit fugiat


    Eiusmod temporit al consectetur nostrum empromi exercitationem ullamajo corporis suscipit fugiat


    Eiusmod temporit al consectetur nostrum empromi exercitationem ullamajo corporis suscipit fugiat


    Eiusmod temporit al consectetur nostrum empromi exercitationem ullamajo corporis suscipit fugiat

    [idz_ui_image source="" align="left" class="" class_container="" style=""]
    • source: image url
    • align: left | right | center
    • class : additional class for image
    • class_container : additional class for image container
    • style : custom inline css
    Pricing Tables
    [idz_ui_pricing column="3" type="type1"]
    [idz_ui_pricing_item color="default" title="Personal" price_symbol="$" price="29" per="Month" subtitle="Perfect Hosting for Simple website" icon="fa-cloud" button_url="#" button_color="blue" button_text="Order Now"]
    <li>10 GB Storage</li>
    <li>150 GB Bandwith / Monthly</li>
    <li>15 Email Account</li>
    <li>2 Domain Hosted Support</li>
    [idz_ui_pricing_item color="green" title="Business" price_symbol="$" price="59" per="Month" subtitle="Web hosting with rich Features" icon="fa-cloud" button_url="#" button_color="green" button_text="Order Now"]
    <li>10 GB Storage</li>
    <li>150 GB Bandwith / Monthly</li>
    <li>15 Email Account</li>
    <li>2 Domain Hosted Support</li>
    [idz_ui_pricing_item color="default" title="Enterprise" price_symbol="$" price="99" per="Month" subtitle="Our top hosting for anyone Expert" icon="fa-cloud" button_url="" button_color="green" button_text="Order Now"]
    <li>10 GB Storage</li>
    <li>150 GB Bandwith / Monthly</li>
    <li>15 Email Account</li>
    <li>2 Domain Hosted Support</li>

    Parameter on pricing column

    • column: 2 | 3 | 4
    • type: type1 | type2

    Parameter on pricing item

    • color: default | green
    • title: title section
    • price_symbol : symbol of price
    • price : price label
    • per : per text an example /Month
    • subtitle : subtitle text, will be displayed below title
    • icon : icon name  (
    • button_url : add link url to button
    • button_color : green | blue | orange | red | grey | white
    • button_text : add label to button
    Spacer Content

    Spacer content shortcode can be used to separate element in content

    [idz_ui_spacer height="20" gap_top="0" gap_bottom="0" color="" class=""]
    • height: height of spacer
    • gap_top: add margin top to spacer
    • gap_bottom : add margin bottom to spacer
    • color : hex color value an example: #000.
    • class : additional class for spacer
    [idz_ui_span class=""]...[/idz_ui_span]
    • class : additional class for span

    Please go to to see shortcode code

    App List
    [idz_ui_app_list type="type2" image_ids=""]
    • type: type1 | type2
    • image_ids: Enter some image ids, seperate by comma. Upload your image on WP Admin -> Media -> Add New. To get attachment id please See Example
    Domain Box
    [idz_ui_domain_box text1="" text2="" image_ids=""]
    • text1: text
    • text2 : text
    • image_ids: Enter some image ids, seperate by comma. Upload your image on WP Admin -> Media -> Add New. To get attachment id please See Example

    Domain name from


    Domain List
    [idz_ui_domain_list_item domain="" button_text="" button_link="" button_color="default"]
    • domain: enter domain name
    • button_text : add label to button
    • button_link: add link to button
    • button_color : green | blue | orange | red | grey
    Domain Starting Text
    [idz_ui_started_col starting_text="" price="" per="" button_label="" button_link=""]
    • starting_text: add text
    • price : add price
    • per: add text, an example /Month
    • button_label : add label to button
    • button_link : add link to button

    starting at only



    Domain Search Form
    [idz_ui_search_domain domain="" integration="" button_label="" button_link="" button_color="green" found_text="" not_found_text="" ext_text="" placeholder_text="" submit_label="" layout_type="type1"]
    • domain: add some domain name separated by comma, an example: .com, .net, .info
    • integration : none | WHMCS
    • button_label: add label to button
    • button_link : add link to button
    • button_color : add color to button
    • found_text : alert text if domain available. Example: Congratulations! {domain} is available!
    • not_found_text : alert text if domain not available. Example: Sorry! {domain} is already taken!
    • ext_text : alert text when enter invalid domain extension
    • placeholder_text : placeholder text on input text
    • submit_label : add label to button when choose layout type3
    • layout_type : type1 | type2 | type3 | type4

    Map with tooltip
    [idz_ui_map_location map="" width="" height=""]
    [idz_ui_location_item title="Title1" top="" right="" bottom="" left=""]
    [idz_ui_location_item title="Title2" top="" right="" bottom="" left=""]

    Parameter on location

    • map: map image url
    • width : width of map
    • height: height of map

    Parameter on location item

    • title: title text tooltip
    • top : position from top
    • right: position from right
    • left : position from left
    • bottom : position from bottom
    [idz_ui_portfolio filter="yes" category="print-design" column="2" showpost="-1" zoomicon="yes" linkicon="yes" showtitle="yes" showdesc="yes" orderby="" order="ASC"]
    • filter: yes | no
    • category : enter some category slug separated by comma
    • column: 2 | 3 | 4
    • showpost : number of post  (-1 to show all)
    • zoomicon : yes | no
    • linkicon : yes | no
    • showtitle : yes | no
    • showdesc : yes | no
    • orderby : ID | title | modified | date | rand | menu_order
    • order : ASC | DESC
    [idz_ui_team title="" subtitle="" category="general" column="2" showpost="-1" orderby="" order="ASC"]
    • title: title section
    • subtitle : subtitle text
    • category : enter some category slug separated by comma
    • column: 2 | 3 | 4
    • showpost : number of post  (-1 to show all)
    • orderby : ID | title | modified | date | rand | menu_order
    • order : ASC | DESC
    [idz_ui_testimonial title="" subtitle="" category="customer" column="2" showpost="-1" orderby="" order="ASC"]
    • title: title section
    • subtitle : subtitle text
    • category : enter some category slug separated by comma
    • column: 2 | 3 | 4
    • showpost : number of post  (-1 to show all)
    • orderby : ID | title | modified | date | rand | menu_order
    • order : ASC | DESC
    Testimonial Slider
    [idz_ui_testimonial_slider title="" subtitle="" category="customer" showpost="-1" orderby="" order="ASC"]
    • title: title section
    • subtitle : subtitle text
    • category : enter some category slug separated by comma
    • column: 2 | 3 | 4
    • showpost : number of post  (-1 to show all)
    • orderby : ID | title | modified | date | rand | menu_order
    • order : ASC | DESC

    Predifined Class

    A collection of useful text utility classes to style your content.

    Text Styles
    Class Description
    uk-text-small Add this class to decrease the font size.
    uk-text-large Add this class to increase the font size.
    uk-text-bold Add this class to create bold text.
    uk-text-muted Add this class to mute your text.
    uk-text-primary Add this class for additional text information.
    uk-text-success Add this class to indicate success.
    uk-text-warning Add this class to indicate a warning.
    uk-text-danger Add this class to indicate danger.
    uk-text-contrast Add this class to make the text color readable on flat color areas or pictures. It’s often white.
    Text alignment
    Class Description
    uk-text-left Aligns text to the left.
    uk-text-left-small Aligns text to the left only on small devices.
    uk-text-left-medium Aligns text to the left on medium and small devices.
    uk-text-right Aligns text to the right.
    uk-text-center Centers text horizontally.
    uk-text-center-small Centers text horizontally only on small devices.
    uk-text-center-medium Centers text horizontally on medium and small devices.
    uk-text-justify Justifies text.

    Add one of the following classes to add spacing to block elements.

    Class Description
    uk-margin Adds the same top and bottom margins as a paragraph usually has.
    uk-margin-top Adds top margin.
    uk-margin-bottom Adds bottom margin.
    uk-margin-left Adds left margin.
    uk-margin-right Adds right margin.
    Larger Margin

    Add one of the following classes to add larger spacing to block elements.

    Class Description
    uk-margin-large Adds large top and bottom margin.
    uk-margin-large-top Adds large top margin.
    uk-margin-large-bottom Adds large bottom margin.
    uk-margin-large-left Adds large left margin.
    uk-margin-large-right Adds large right margin.
    Smaller Margin

    Add one of the following classes to add smaller spacing to block elements.

    Class Description
    uk-margin-small Adds small top and bottom margin.
    uk-margin-small-top Adds small top margin.
    uk-margin-small-bottom Adds small bottom margin.
    uk-margin-small-left Adds small left margin.
    uk-margin-small-right Adds small right margin.
    Remove Margin

    Add one of the following classes to remove margin from block elements.

    Class Description
    uk-margin-remove Removes all margins.
    uk-margin-top-remove Removes top margin.
    uk-margin-bottom-remove Removes bottom margin.

    Add one of the following classes to add padding from block elements.

    Class Description
    uk-padding Add top padding and bottom padding
    Remove Padding

    To remove the padding from a block element, add one of the following classes.

    Class Description
    .uk-padding-remove Removes all padding.
    .uk-padding-top-remove Removes top padding.
    .uk-padding-bottom-remove Removes bottom padding.
    .uk-padding-vertical-remove Removes top and bottom padding.